Positif (+)

I, you, they, we + V1

He/She/ it + V1 (s/es)

Negatif (-)

I/you/they/we + do not + V1

He/She/it + does not + V1

Introgatif (?)

Do + I/you/they/we + V1 ?

Does + He/She/ it + V1 ?


Kalimat Positif (+)

I, You, We, They        : Speak English

He, She, It                   : Speaks English

Kalimat Negatif (-)

I, You, We, They        : do not (speak English)

He, She, it                   : does not (speak English)

Kalimat Tanya (?)

Do       : I, You, We, They (Speak English)

Does    : He, She, It (Speak English)



Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi secara kebiasaan (habitual action activity). Habitual action activity is something was true in the past, it is true in the present and it Will be true in the future.

Example :

I study every day.

Suci dances every Monday.

My mother does not shop in the supermarket.

Do you always have dinner every night?

Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth) Example :

English is word language

One hour has sixty minutes



Diletakkan di akhir kalimat : every day, each day, every morning, every month, every week, every year, one Sundays, once a week, Twice a month, three times a year dll.

Diletakkan setelah subjek: always, usually, generally, something, never, seldom, rarely, frequently, regularly, dll.

Baca juga : simple past tense, simple future tense, simple past future tense


Dalam kalimat positif jika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (He,She,it) maka kata kerjanya harus ditambah “s/es” sbb;

Pada dasarnya kata kerja itu ditambah “s” : Speak-Speaks,   help-helps, visit-visits, walk-walks

Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan huruf vokal “o” ditambah “es” : Do-does go-goes

Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan konsonan “ch”, “sh”, “ss” atau “x” ditambah “es” : Teach-teaches, wish-wishes, discuss-discusses, fix-fixes

Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan huruf vokal e meskipun bersuara “z” atau “j” ditambah “s” : Use-uses, change-changes.

Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan konsonan “y”, yang didahului dengan konsonan “y” diganti dengan “i” ditambah “es” : Cry-cries, fly-flies, study-studies

Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan konsonan “y”, yang didahului oleh huruf vokal cukup ditambah “s” : Buy-buys, Play-plays.

Perhatian :

Kata kerja tidak mengalami perubahan apapun jika didahului oleh modal (can, my ,might, muat, should, would, cloud, Will, shall dll) meskipun subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (He,She,it).

She speaks English - He can speak English

He goes home. - She may go home

Adi Works hard. – Ali must work hard

Ina comes on time. – Lin should come on time

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